Residential Delivery and Curbside Pickup
*** We are not currently offering home delivery ***
To place an order for residential delivery or for curbside pickup, click on the “ORDER NOW” button below to access our online marketplace. Enter your order and then click on “CHECK OUT”, if you are a new customer you will be prompted to create an account, returning customers can login with their existing credentials.
You will receive an email acknowledgement of your order, a DiCarlo customer service representative will call you within 24 hours to schedule your delivery or curbside pickup time.
All prices are cash prices. Payment is accepted by credit card and subject to a processing fee charged by the credit card company. We accept cash payment in our Marketplace store.
All prices are subject to change without notice. All sales are final. Please contact us with any issues as soon as possible, after 24 hours we will assume that your order is accepted as is.
Please make sure to enter your first and last name when creating an account, without this information we may not be able to process your order. If you have any trouble creating your account or submitting your order you can email your issue to us at, please make sure to include your name and phone number.
Click here to access curbside and home delivery online ordering:
Please know that our on-premises store is also open daily for your convenience, please check the hours on our home page.
If you leave a tip we will be donating it to local charities including the Kevin Williams Foundation, you can read about this extraordinary young man who lost his life on 9/11 here:
Please read the notes below for the type of order that you will be entering, thank you!
Residential Delivery
*** We are not currently offering home delivery ***
The minimum order for residential delivery is $150, a $20 delivery charge will be applied. There is currently no minimum order for curbside pickup.
Note: Residential home delivery is available on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s only.
Curbside Pickup Instructions
Please arrive at your assigned pickup time. When entering our driveway (1630 N. Ocean Avenue, Holtsville, NY 11742), follow the signs to one of five designated pickup spots. Stay in your vehicle and call (631) 758-6000, ext. 350 to notify us of your arrival and your pickup spot number. Be sure your trunk or hatchback is clear and ready to be loaded, and stay in your vehicle. A member of our staff will bring your order to your vehicle. After the DiCarlo employee leaves, please check your order and call immediately if there are any questions.
PLEASE: Do not come down until you are contacted with a time by a member of our staff!
Note: You can enter a requested time for your curbside pickup order to be ready, we will try to accommodate you if possible, a customer service representative will contact you to confirm a pickup time.
PLEASE: Do not come down until you are contacted with a time by a member of our staff!